After being a bit down I read The clean coder and I am rejuvenated. Very handy tips on dealing with pressure and saying no.
The interesting item recommended in work ethic is time outside of work dedicated to learning, the recommendation being 20 hours. The thing is this really isn't that much when pod casts are taken into account. I easily get through 3 hours a week with .net rocks and Hansel minutes, what does help is having a tech book and when not in the mood a not so tech book like clean coder.
Liked the parts about not rushing, as I have seen this a number of times and refactoring out crazy variable names.
I read about the woods being good all round for health and creativity so found Haldon forest park, early morning it is quite empty. Note the speed hump on the way out that has the claws to stop cars driving in the exit are brutal going the correct way over it.
Cows are about and they would only move for excuse me, cows, manners matter.
Other bits from this week, lots of the visual studio shortcuts work in SQL server management studio.
Words of the week
Function with no arguments
Change in part means a change in another part of the program, I think is the side effect of units which are tightly coupled.
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