Sunday, 26 October 2014

Don't make me think

A shorter a book I think a lot of clients would find worth reading regarding their own websites, a lot of common sense in this book to the oh yeah that makes a lot of sense.

Red matt finish book with book title in bold white text with cartoon picture of a mans head

Had this book on my reading list of a while, but since it is required reading for OU, I thought I would give it a go. 

The take aways from don't make me think for me are
  • Convention is not all bad
  • Accessibility is really a lot of common sense and fringe benefits including potential for increased traffic
  • We tend to scan websites for information and do not read it all
  • Usability testing is worth while doing and does not have to cost much at all.
  • Goodwill can be bought and lost at a rapid rate.
Browsing more interview questions, can I sort a dictionary by value and by key which didn't come out too badly, however I have installed resharper ( yay student discount ), resharper does heavily push linq. 

The linq solutions are terse relative to my own explicit solutions.

namespace boredbasics
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var aDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>
                {"d", "a first value"},
                {"z", "a Second value"},
                {"a", "a ThirdValue"},
                {"n", "a forthValue"}


            //sorted by key

            //sorted by value
            DictionarySorter.PrintDictionary( DictionarySorter.SortByKey(DictionarySorter.KeyValueSwap(aDictionary)));


namespace boredbasics
    public class DictionarySorter
        public static Dictionary<string, string> 

            SortByKey(Dictionary<string, string> aDictionary)
            return aDictionary.Keys.OrderBy(k => k.ToString()).ToDictionary(key => key, key => aDictionary[key]);

        public static Dictionary<string, string> KeyValueSwap(Dictionary<string, string> aDictionary)

            aDictionary.Keys.ToDictionary(key => aDictionary[key]);

        public static void PrintDictionary(Dictionary<string, 

                                        string> aDictionary )
            foreach (var key in aDictionary.Keys)
                Console.WriteLine("key: {0}, value: {1}", key,  


Apart from all of that found a good link on Hanselman's blog for good applications

GitHub for windows and Windows memory tester being news to me, so I will give those an install and see how they go. As using github via the command line does make it a pain to use. Must give linqpad a go.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Interview cake fibs question

Had a browse around interview cake I like the site, anyway I got this weeks free practice problem. I did a recursive and iterative solution. I would change a few bits looking back at it now, as it is lacking any guard conditions for inappropriate input.

fib program below running through the console using visual studio ide

namespace boredbasics
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++)

            for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++)


        public static int fibRecursive(int nthFib)
            if ( nthFib == 0)
                return 0;
            else if ( nthFib == 1)
                return 1;
                return fibRecursive(nthFib - 1) + fibRecursive(nthFib - 2);

        public static int fib(int nthFib)
            if (nthFib == 0)
                return 0;
            else if (nthFib == 1 || nthFib == 2)
                return 1;
                int first = 1, second = 1, temp = 0;
                for (int i = 2; i < nthFib; i++)
                    temp = first + second;
                    first = second;
                    second = temp;

                return temp;

Sunday, 19 October 2014

First go at async

Playing about with async so a really simple example partly ripped from illustrated C#.

picture of visual studio 2013 pro with console window open running async console app

namespace boredbasics
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Task<int> t1 = 

            countCharsAsync(1, "");
            Task<int> t2 = 

            countCharsAsync(2, "");
            Task<int> t3 = 

            countCharsAsync(3, "");

            Console.WriteLine("call one:\t{0: 20}", t1.Result);
            Console.WriteLine("call two:\t{0: 20}", t2.Result);
            Console.WriteLine("call three:\t{0: 20}", t3.Result);

        public static async Task<int> countCharsAsync(int id, string uri)
            Console.WriteLine("Starting count chars {0}", id);
            var wc = new WebClient();
            string result = await wc.DownloadStringTaskAsync(new Uri(uri));

            Console.WriteLine("char count complete {0}", id);
            return result.Length;

A few things to add to my list, don't make me think has been ordered for uni reading, ASP.Net MVC book arrived yay!

If any other job seekers are reading, I was hanging around imgur lots are seeing the same things with junior tech jobs.

commant stating Must have 5 years experience milking purple Himalayan goats...and know html

Reading about the gingery furnace and found a few places to order a good metal bucket for the furnace and a smaller bucket to create the void.

Can't wait to get setup and build a lathe.

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Uni ebooks

OU courses are finally starting, a lot of the reading material no longer comes on paper, which is not great for me as I like a break from the screen and humming machines. There is a good tool to convert into kindle compatible format which is currently free, .

Part of the units being studied cover web development, I am usually pretty keen on firebug and the in built chrome tools, for quick validation and good features the plugin for firefox works well.

Car and 3d printer video of interest, a model transmission, when I first looked at it I thought it would be quite basic however it supports six forward speeds and reverse, youtube.

Sunday, 5 October 2014


Interviews are tough going, I think it is worth being aware that the developers doing the hiring may not have all the input into job specification.

Practical tests, I did mess up more than once, keeping things simple and being able to justify what is written is more important than a poorly implemented feature.

Being asked to do a black jack implementation, although not perfect, left as is because I know it gets used for homework, link to sln.

Still reading Agile principles, patterns, and design practices in c#. The explanation of design patterns although not going over all the gof, being able to understand template and command in a practical sense is useful. In the other pattern books at the end being left with so what, how does this help me.

Book, Agile priciples, patterns, and practices in c#, blue black cover with white and blue text with an image of a nebula