Sunday, 5 October 2014


Interviews are tough going, I think it is worth being aware that the developers doing the hiring may not have all the input into job specification.

Practical tests, I did mess up more than once, keeping things simple and being able to justify what is written is more important than a poorly implemented feature.

Being asked to do a black jack implementation, although not perfect, left as is because I know it gets used for homework, link to sln.

Still reading Agile principles, patterns, and design practices in c#. The explanation of design patterns although not going over all the gof, being able to understand template and command in a practical sense is useful. In the other pattern books at the end being left with so what, how does this help me.

Book, Agile priciples, patterns, and practices in c#, blue black cover with white and blue text with an image of a nebula

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