As I am quite keen on the Doom2016 multiplayer the tweak that has worked well for me on moue smoothing, removing the startup videos, and start in multiplayer mode. Open your steam library / second click on DOOM / properties / general tab / set launch options / set as "+com_gameMode 2+com_skipIntroVideo 1+set m_smooth 0+com_skipKeyPressOnLoadScreens 1" without the quotation marks. Strange that it contains spaces but is functional.
Developers can have a life outside of coding, which is good to know.
IEEE article about the use of body cameras, some of it makes sense the part around speed cameras I am not convinced as the last article I read about them was that a number of UK stats did not include regression to the mean regarding the frequency of accidents post camera installation.
Vector is a synonym for a one dimension array in programming.
For Java bits and pieces, packaging up apps with jar can be a pain I do find the class path a bit hard to get my head around, 7zip is handy for opening jar files. And after all of that and feeling crazy, line break is the delimiter for commands in the manifest so I was typing Main-class: aPackage.Main where I needed
Main-class: aPackage.Main new line!
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